Resolution authorizing that the Mayor and Director of the Department of Finance on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Robert Bergren and Cindy Stackhouse for a permanent sewer easement across City of Pittsburgh property at 7205 Butler Street, Block and Lots 121-G-17, 19, and 20 in the 10th Ward. Said agreement should be in Form approved by the city Solicitor and shall contain such terms and conditions for the protection of the City of Pittsburgh as Such Solicitor may require. This easement agreement through City property is contingent upon an easement agreement approved by Lamar Advertising on the adjacent 4 parcels 121-G-22, 24, 25, and 26. Now, therefore in consideration of the sum of $500.00 Dollars and other good and valuable considerations the City of Pittsburgh does hereby grant and convey an easement for sewer installation.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1.
Granting Robert Bergren and Cindy Stackhouse a permanent utility easement with the privilege and license to install, use, operate, maintain, repair, renew, and finally remove a sewer line for a private residence at 7205 Butler Street, Block and Lot 121-G-13 which would cross the rear of adjacent City of Pittsburgh properties Block and Lot Nos. 121-G-17, 19, and 20 on Butler Street in the 10th Ward to connect to a City of Pittsburgh Sewer located in an unopened portion of Chislet Street connecting with Butler Street. The sum of $500.00 Dollars and other good and valuable considerations the City of Pittsburgh does hereby grant and convey an easement for sewer installation. This payment will be put into the JDE miscellaneous account 11101.107000.43.43907.
Whereas: The City of Pittsburgh owns certain property on Butler Street, Block and Lot Nos. 121-G-17, 19, and 20. These 3 parcels are part of the Allegheny River Greenway and will remain permanent City ownership as wooded hillside ...
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