WHEREAS, over the past two years, Power of 32 has brought together governments, corporations, organizations, and individuals - thousands of people in more than 150 community meetings led by more than 120 volunteers from 32 counties in Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia to build a shared vision for the future; and
WHEREAS, Power of 32 has offered the region's 4.2 million people a fresh connection as a unified region, developing new and effective ways to assure a sustainable, innovative, and globally competitive area; and
WHEREAS, Power of 32 participants have forged an attainable vision for a sustainable regional economy by 2025; and
WHEREAS, the counties involved in Power of 32 have developed a clear understanding and a fresh enthusiasm for promoting what our region offers: our strong educational values, our work ethic and entrepreneurial drive, and our ability to bring forth broad economic growth, a strong tourist industry, and clean, green technology while preserving our values, integrity, and natural resources; and
WHEREAS, momentum increases with mass and velocity, and the visioning put forth by Power of 32 among the local governments, elected officials, institutions, and the eager, active people within the region has launched a clear course for our region at the forefront of innovation, production, education, transportation, and communication - to be the engine driving our country into the future; and
WHEREAS, all involved have benefited by the Power of 32 initiative;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby endorse the Power of 32 Vision for a Thriving Future by 2025, and vows to continue to work in coalition with our partners across the region to achieve the vision; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby proclaim a job well done and an indelible mark made by the Power of 32 on our region.