WHEREAS, Officer Kevin Carey , born and raised in Pittsburgh, married to wife , Lisa with two children Nicole and Aiden, educated at Greenfield School, Gladstone Middle School and Taylor Allderdice High School and a current resident of Crafton Heights, has been a Pittsburgh Police Officer for ten years; and,
WHEREAS, Officer Kevin Carey has served with distinction with assignments on the North Side, the South Side and currently in the West End in Zone 6; and,
WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania DUI Association, established in 1979, is a professional organization which addresses the DUI problem in all of its many stages, from prevention to enforcement up to, and including adjudication and rehabilitation and honored 21 municipal law enforcement officers and 27 State Police Troopers with its 2010 DUI Top Gun Awards last October 21, 2010 at their 31st Annual Meeting; and,
WHEREAS, Officer Kevin Carey received the Pennsylvania DUI Association Top Gun Award for having the 2nd highest total of DUI arrests in Pennsylvania for the 2009 calendar year and was honored at this event for his hard work and extraordinary DUI arrest record ; and,
WHEREAS, Office Kevin Carey logged in 128 DUI arrests for that year which also became the highest number of DUI arrests in the City of Pittsburgh for that year.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize and honor Office Kevin Carey for his steadfast dedication to the Pittsburgh Police Bureau and commends him for his commitment to creating a healthier and safer environment for the people of Pittsburgh ; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, , that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, January 11, 2011, to be "OFFICER KEVIN CAREY DAY" in the City of Pittsburgh.