WHEREAS, Starting in 2017, the Parking Enhancement District has provided South Side business owners, patrons and residents with an avenue to sequester parking funds and reprogram those dollars back into the neighborhood for enhanced public safety, cleanliness and infrastructure, at absolutely no cost to the neighbors that live here; and,
WHEREAS, Every morning The South Side Clean Team helps to restore order from the busy evenings in the East Carson Corridor by cleaning up trash, pulling weeds, sweeping sidewalks, and removing graffiti from the entire length of the East Carson Street Corridor; and,
WHEREAS, Mike Walker, of Braddock, Pennsylvania, started with the Block by Block in October of 2019, and started in the South Side in January of 2020; and,
WHEREAS, Artie Murphy, from Ohio, started with Block by Block June of 2018, and started in the South Side in March of 2020; and,
WHEREAS, To date, Mike and Artie have removed no fewer than 1600 stickers, weeded over 432 blocks, and picked up over 353,000 pounds of trash along the length of East Carson Street and its side streets; and,
WHEREAS, Their diligence, positive attitudes, and engagement with business owners, visitors and residents alike have made them mainstays of the vibrant South Side experience; and,
WHEREAS, Mike and Artie's herculean efforts not only show a commitment to cleanliness, but draw a clear connection between cleanliness and systems of order that keep a business district safe and prosperous; and,
WHEREAS, Through the tireless efforts of Mike and Artie, the South Side is both a cleaner and safer place to live, work, play and volunteer; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does recognize, celebrate and thank Mike Walker and Artie Murphy for all of their achievements and their impacts on all of the businesses, patrons and neighbors of Pittsburgh's South Side; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does...
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