Resolution providing for a renewal by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh, of a Declaration of Disaster Emergency issued by the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh on March 13, 2020, in accordance with the City of Pittsburgh Code ?113.03 and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code, 35 Pa. C.S. ??7101 et seq., to provide the City of Pittsburgh with an appropriate timeframe for response to the ongoing public health emergency associated with the spread of coronavirus.
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh issued a Declaration of Emergency in response to the existing public health emergency associated with the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code at 35 Pa. C.S. ? 7501 and with City of Pittsburgh Code ?113.03; this Declaration of Emergency may not be continued or renewed in excess of seven (7) days except by or with the consent of City Council; and
WHEREAS, without extension and renewal of City Council, the Declaration of Emergency would expire at the time of issuance on March 20, 2020.
WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City Pittsburgh believes that this Declaration of Emergency should be extended for a period not-to-exceed twenty-one (21) days for the date of potential expiration, subject to further renewal of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh at such time, in order to provide the City of Pittsburgh with an appropriate timeframe to address the existing public health emergency associated with the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, as a result, the Council of the City of Pittsburgh wishes to ratify the Mayor's Declaration of Emergency for a period not-to-exceed twenty-one (21) days.
Therefore, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Declaration of Emergency, issued by the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh on March 13, 2020, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, is hereby extended and renewed by the Council of the...
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