Resolution authorizing the Chief of the Bureau of Police to adopt a minimum staffing policy, and further mandating an automatic promotional timeline.
WHEREAS: The City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police has had a long standing tradition of being one of the safest cities in the United States and our crime rates have been consistently low throughout our diverse neighborhoods.
WHEREAS: The safety and security of our citizens is the highest priority of the Bureau of Police. Studies have shown that minimum police staffing is vital to maintaining a high level of public safety and ensures the safety of our officers.
Section 1. City Council authorizes the Chief of the Bureau of Police to adopt a minimum staffing policy.
Section 2: Said policy shall incorporate the following directives:
The Bureau of Police shall initiate the hiring process in accordance with department policies immediately when the overall number of officers falls below 900. The department shall evaluate the minimum staffing number on an annual basis as part of the Bureau of Police budget process.
In any given year, the minimum budgeted union sworn police personnel will be 900. once the Bureau of Police loses 2% of its budgeted union sworn police personnel, the hiring process will be initiated by the Department of Personnel & Civil Service such that a class that represents 5% of the budgeted union sworn police positions can be started within 120 calendar days. The Department must use best efforts to achieve a diverse class across gender lines and a racial make up reflective of the cities population.
Section 3: Promotions within the Bureau of Police shall be made in accordance with state law and the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Pittsburgh and the Fraternal Order of Police, Fort Pitt Lodge No. 1. Promotions shall be made within ninety (90) days after a vacancy occurs. The only exception to this mandate is if the vacant position is eliminated from t...
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