WHEREAS, on March 16, 2010, Allegheny County Council introduced legislation that would require a prevailing wage be paid to service workers employed by a County contract or on a subsidized project that meets certain criteria; and
WHEREAS, the bill is sponsored by Councilman William Russell Robinson and Council President Rich Fitzgerald; and
WHEREAS, the legislation will apply to building service and food service employees who fall under a County service contract, and to building service, food service, hotel, and grocery employees at future projects of a certain size which receive more than $100,000 in County subsidy; and
WHEREAS, when worker are paid good, family-sustaining wages, they don't have to turn to subsidized assistance programs such as food stamps, public housing, and healthcare; and
WHEREAS, the County legislation is similar to legislation that passed City Council with a unanimous vote on February 2, 2010.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh urges Allegheny County Council Members to vote in favor of the prevailing wage legislation which will make sure taxpayer money supports fair wages.