Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Innovation & Performance to enter into 1) a Cooperation and Project Agreement or Agreements with the University of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County and 2) a Data Sharing Agreement or Agreements with the University of Pittsburgh or a Joint Data Sharing Agreement or Agreements with the University of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County pertaining to the creation and operation of a web-based open data portal to be named the Regional Data Center and further authorizing the Director of Innovation & Performance to execute one or more Data Deposit and/or Data User Agreements if required to facilitate the City's contribution to and use of the Regional Data Center.
WHEREAS, the City, Allegheny County (the "County"), and the University of Pittsburgh (the "University") have a joint goal of working together to make the provision of public services better, faster, and more equitable in our region; and
WHEREAS, in support of this important goal, the City and the County applied for a grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation ("RK Mellon") to fund a number of important information infrastructure-based initiatives including: 1) recruiting data experts to work directly for both government entities in separate "Government Solutions Engineering Groups" in order to encourage modernization and to develop data-driven management tools for leadership and 2) developing a Regional Data Center ("RDC") to serve as a central open data portal able to host data from the Government Parties and eventually from other participating local governments and other eligible entities (collectively, the "Initiatives"); and
WHEREAS, RK Mellon has generously awarded the City funding through a grant of $400,000 made directly to the City, which the City has used or will use to fund the Code of America Fellowship Participation as well as components of the Regional Data Center; and
WHEREAS, RK Mellon has also gener...
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