Presented by Mr. Ravenstahl
Resolution granting unto Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland – Pittsburgh Branch, 717 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, their successors and assigns, the privilege and license to construct, maintain and use at their own cost and expense, granite and hydraulic (steel) bollards on the sidewalk area of William Penn Place and building-mounted pedestrian warning devices in the 2nd Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland – Pittsburgh Branch, 717 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, their successors and assigns, are hereby granted the privilege to construct, maintain and use at their own cost and expense:
Eleven (11) steel hydraulic bollards, three feet high by 13” in diameter, 3'4” from face of building, leaving 6'3”± open for pedestrian access on the sidewalk area of William Penn Place;
Two (2) new and two (2) existing granite bollards;
One (1) new and (1) existing vehicle warning signals for bank vehicles affixed to building 7'10” above sidewalk area;
Four (4) new visual and audible pedestrian warning signals affixed to building 7'10” above sidewalk area;
Existing security camera mounted to building;
in the 2nd Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh.
The said encroachment shall conform to the provisions of their Resolution and in accordance with the plan identified as Accession D-553 on file in the Division of Surveys, Department of Public Works.
Section 2. The said Grantee prior to the beginning of the construction of said encroachment shall submit to the Director of the Department of Public Works of the City of Pittsburgh a complete set of plans, in triplicate, showing the location and all details of said construction. Said plans and said construction shall be subject to the approval and supervision of the Director of the Departmen...
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