Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Ten, Building, Chapter 1004, International Property Maintenance Code Adoption, Section 1004.02 “Changes Specified” by changing the board responsible for hearing appeals arising under Chapter 1004 from the Board of Appeals to the Board of License and Inspection Review.
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1: The Pittsburgh Code, Title Ten, Chapter 1004, International Property Maintenance Code Adoption, Section 1004.02 “Changes Specified” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Page 5; 111.0: Delete Sections 111.1 through 111.8, inclusive, and replace with the following:
111.1 Means of Appeal: A person directly affected by a decision of the code official or notice or order issued under this code shall have the right to appeal to the Board of License and Inspection Review Appeals in accordance with Title Seven, Chapter 701, Section 701.16 of the Pittsburgh City Codesection B101.1 of the IBC.