Presented by Mr. Koch
Resolution repealing Resolution No. 1268, approved December 3, 1982, entitled "GRANTING UNTO JOHN B. MAZZIE, his successors and assigns, the privilege and license to continue to use and maintain at his own cost and expense, for the duration of the present driveway that portion of Abbington Way, along side his home at 2658 Ammens Street, 19th Ward, City of Pittsburgh".
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That Repealing Resolution No. 1268, approved December 3, 1982 entitled "GRANTING UNTO JOHN B. MAZZIE, his successors and assigns, the privilege and license to continue to use and maintain at his own cost and expense, for the duration of the present driveway that portion of Abbington Way, along side his home at 2658 Ammens Street, 19th Ward, City of Pittsburgh", the plan identified as Accession C-13, on file in the Division of Surveys, Department of Public Works is hereby repealed.