WHEREAS, on November 6, 2009, the 40 Under 40 Awards will be presented by the Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project (PUMP) and Pittsburgh Magazine; and
WHEREAS, PUMP was founded in September 1995 to advance issues affecting young and young-thinking people in the City, and strives to engage the young professional in issues involving attraction and retention of youth in Pittsburgh; and
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh Magazine, which began as a local program guide and arts and culture magazine, is now the leading city and regional magazine, focusing on the Pittsburgh region's lifestyles, arts and culture, fashion, and growth and development; and
WHEREAS, for the eleventh year, PUMP and Pittsburgh Magazine will honor the following forty people under the age of forty who are making this region a better place to live:
Khalif Ali
Regina Anderson
Armen Arevian, Ph.D.
Danielle Baco
Erin Baker
Kelly A. Barcic
Charlie Batch
Mary C. Burke, Ph.D.
Carlos T. Carter
Robert Chambers, II
Dana Davis
Jennifer DeFazio
Victor Dozzi, Jr.
Matthew Erb
Cara Erskine
Rachel Filippini
Marissa Gallagher
Dennis Geary
Deborah Gilboa, M.D.
Tyra Good
Bob Grayson
Justin Gunther
Daisy Klaber
Robert Daniel Lavelle
Felix Brandon Lloyd
Allyson Lowe, Ph.D.
Mayada Mansour
Sylvia McCoy
Piyush Seth
Jason W. Ross
Natalia Rudiak
Luke Skurman
Janera Solomon
Heather Starr Fiedler, Ph.D.
Melissa Swauger, Ph.D.
Steven M. Toprani
Kristy Trautmann
Stephanie P. Walker
Robert Wilson
Barrett Ivory Wood, M.D.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby commends and thanks PUMP and Pittsburgh Magazine and congratulates the recipients of the 40 under 40 awards; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby declares November 6, 2009 "40 Under 40 Day" in the City of Pittsburgh.