Presented by Mr. Deasy
Resolution vacating a portion of Preble Avenue in the 27th Ward, 1st Council District, of the City of Pittsburgh.
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the Office of the City Clerk that the owners of all the property fronting or abutting on the line of Preble Avenue in the 27th Ward, 1st Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, have petitioned the council of the City of Pittsburgh to enact a resolution for the vacation of same, and
WHEREAS, said petition contains inter-alia, an indemnification of the city from any claims and from the payment of any damages whatsoever resulting to any properties owned by the petitioners or by and persons whatsoever, abutting or non-abutting, for or by reason of said vacation; therefore
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That vacating a portion of Preble Avenue from Tracy Street Northwardly to its terminus at the previously vacated portion per Resolution 561, approved October 30, 1968 containing approximately 30, 444 square feet.
Reserving a ten (10) foot easement on the easterly side of Preble Avenue for future trail use.
Section 2. The Water Index Plats 075K, 075L, 075P, 075R indicates that there is a 10” and 12” waterlines in Preble Avenue and there is a 12” waterline in Tracy Street. The existing 10” waterline in Preble Avenue from Tracy Street to its northwesterly terminus area must be abandoned, including fire hydrants, valve boxes, castings, etc. PWSA/DPW casting lids must be replaced with private castings and old lids returned to PWSA.
Alcoa must install a new flow meter and meter vault at the intersection of Tracy Street and remaining Preble Street in accordance with PWSA's tap-in regulation and procedures.
The Sewer Index Plats 075.2 and 075.3 indicates that there is a 15” sewerline within the area of this vacation. The existing sewerline in this area must be abandoned. T...
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