Resolution approving a Conditional Use Application under the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article V, Chapter 911.2, Section 911.02.A.64 for St. Edmund's Academy for authorization to expand an Elementary/Secondary School (General) at 5705 Darlington Road, zoned "RM-M" Residential Multi-Family, Moderate Density District, 14th Ward, Council District No. 5
(Public Hearing held 5-2-18)
Whereas the Planning Commission of the City of Pittsburgh has made certain findings with regard to the conditional use application for the Elementary/Secondary School (General) use at 5705 Darlington Road;
Whereas the Planning Commission of the City of Pittsburgh has recommended approval of this application for a Conditional Use;
Whereas City Council has reviewed the record of the Planning Commission and herewith adopts the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission;
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1.
Upon a review of the record of the record as provided by the Planning Commission of the City of Pittsburgh, it is herewith affirmed that the proposed conditional use has properly met the standards as provided in the Pittsburgh Code Section 911.02.A.64 and that the following criteria was considered:
a) The Residential Compatibility Standards of Chapter 916 shall apply;
b) A traffic study in a form approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be submitted with the application, and shall address parking and traffic impacts of the proposed development;
c) Parking and access shall be provided in such a way as to protect children from any external impacts of traffic in the vicinity; and
d) The Approving Body shall determine that such use will not create detrimental impacts on surrounding properties, taking in to consideration probable traffic generation, parking needs, the size and bulk of the building, and the impacts of uses other than normal hours.
Section 2.
Upon a review of the record of the record as...
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