Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article I, Section 902.03 Zoning Map, by changing from RM-M, Residential Multi-Unit, Moderate Density, to LNC, Local Neighborhood Commercial, certain properties identified as Block Number 10-L, lot numbers 252 and 255 (2423 & 2435 Centre Avenue) all in the Allegheny County Block and Lot System.
The Council of the City Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. Amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article I, Section 902.03 Zoning Map, by changing from RM-M, Residential Multi-Unit, Moderate Density, to LNC, Local Neighborhood Commercial, certain properties identified as Block Number 10-L, lot numbers 252 and 255 (2423 & 2435 Centre Avenue) ; all in the Allegheny County Block and Lot System.