Presented by Mr. Deasy
Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Directors of the Departments of Public Works and City Planning, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into a cooperation agreement with the Port Authority of Allegheny County in connection with the Authority's North Shore Connector Project to expand the existing Light Rail Transit System by extending service from the Gateway Station in downtown Pittsburgh through twin tunnels under the Allegheny River to Pittsburgh's North Shore (the “Gateway Line”); and further authorizing the Mayor and the Directors of the Departments of Public Works and of Finance to enter into agreements with the Authority for construction, surface, subsurface and aerial easements and/or encroachments, both permanent and temporary, as necessary for constructing, operating, repairing and/or maintaining the North Shore Connector Project.
WHEREAS, the Port Authority of Allegheny County (“Authority”) is engaged in the design and construction of its North Shore Connector Project (“NSC Project”), a 1.5 mile extension of Authority's existing 25-mile light rail system (the “LRT System”). The NSC Project will expand the existing LRT System by extending service from the Gateway Station in downtown Pittsburgh through twin tunnels under the Allegheny River to Pittsburgh's North Shore (the “Gateway Line”); and
WHEREAS, the NSC Project is in the public interest and will be beneficial and advantageous to City and Authority in that it will facilitate the expeditious and effective movement of transit patrons by reducing travel time and improving the quality and reliability of service for people using mass transit, materially contribute to the well-being, progress and development of City, and reduce traffic on City streets; and
WHEREAS, the NSC Project will further benefit City in that it will provide for the reconstruction of certain facilities and utilities owned by City, including but not ...
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