Ordinance supplementing the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances, Title Nine - Zoning, Chapter 922 Development Review Procedures, Sections 922.10.E.2, 922.11.B.3 and 922.11.C.2 with a new subsection, "Affordable Housing Impact Statements." (Reference Bill No. 2015-2063 which expired on 12-31-2015)
WHEREAS, A City For All Agenda strives to make Pittsburgh a livable and affordable city for all residents; and
WHEREAS, A City For All Agenda includes affordable housing for all Pittsburgh families; and
WHEREAS, the cost of housing is out of reach for tens of thousands of Pittsburgh families; and
WHEREAS, an estimated 8,000-12,000 new housing units are proposed to be built in the City of Pittsburgh, none of which will be affordable for low income families; and
WHEREAS, according to the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh needs 21,580 housing units that are both affordable and available for households living on extremely low incomes; and
WHEREAS, the failure of the local housing market to meet this demand makes housing in this City increasingly unaffordable for low income families; and
WHEREAS, Council desires a mechanism to track the impacts of development upon the creation of or preservation of affordable housing; and
WHEREAS, one tool used in other cities is an Affordable Housing Impact Statement; and
WHEREAS, cities such as Austin, Texas and San Diego, California have had an Affordable Housing Impact Statement (AHIS) policy for several years; and
WHEREAS, those cities have found the policy to be helpful in empowering policymakers with meaningful information, and sometimes incentivizing developers and stakeholders to alter their plans to include more affordable housing; and
WHEREAS, Council desires, on a consistent, ongoing basis, to track the impacts of development on the affordable housing stock of the City of Pittsburgh.
Be it resolved that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
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