WHEREAS, PA Resources Council (PRC), which was founded in 1939 by a group of citizens concerned about roadside blight, is celebrating 80 years protecting Pennsylvania’s environmental resources; and,
WHEREAS, the PA Resources Council supported programs such as The Blot of the Month Club, and the establishment of the first Scenic Highways in order to protect the scenic beauty of Pennsylvania. As the spearhead of scenic protection, PRC was directly engaged in the creation Keep America Beautiful in the 1950’s and the passage of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965; and,
WHEREAS, after more than a decade of protecting Pennsylvania’s scenic assets, PRC recognized that roadside litter had become the newest challenge, and in 1952, PRC introduced its public service mascot the Litterbug, which received an updated look in 1990; and,
WHEREAS, in an effort to prevent litter, PRC focused on recycling and in the 1970’s became a national leader on the issue and helped craft PA Act 101, which set the standard for state recycling laws which was signed by Governor Bob Casey in 1988; and,
WHEREAS, today, PA Resources Council presents numerous Environmental Education programs in schools and Conservation Workshops for adults which have reached more than 30,000 participants since the year 2000; and,
WHEREAS, PRC has led the modernization of the City of Pittsburgh’s residential recycling collection program by funding and distributing thousands of recycling containers to Pittsburgh Residents; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby congratulate PA Resources Council for 80 years of protecting our Commonwealth’s assets; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare, Tuesday, October 15, 2019 to be “PA Resources Council Day” in the City of Pittsburgh.