WHEREAS, on April 30, 2011, Women in Film and Media will host its 4th annual Opal Awards recognizing women in the film and television industry in Pittsburgh; and
WHEREAS, the awards will be presented to outstanding women in the film and television industry who have contributed to Pittsburgh through their dedication to their craft; and
WHEREAS, the honorees this year will be Marilyn Brooks of WTAE receiving the Patti Burns Award for Excellence in Television; and
WHEREAS, Adrienne Wehr, producer/actress and Nancy Mosser, casting director will accept Opal Awards for their work in their respective fields; and
WHEREAS, the special guest of the evening will be Kim Moses, Producer of The Ghost Whisperer who is a Pittsburgh native and will be in Pittsburgh working with Steeltown Entertainment's Film Factory; and
WHEREAS, Kim Moses will accept an Opal Award for her work with Steeltown and CLICK, a program being developed by the Carnegie Science Center.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize the 4th annual Opal Awards recognizing women in the film and television industry in Pittsburgh; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare April 30, 2011 "Women in Film and Media Day" in the City of Pittsburgh.