Resolution amending Resolution 50 of 2018, entitled “Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Director of the Department of Public Safety to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into a professional services agreement or agreements with Cover Your Assets, LLC for a web-based secondary employment scheduling system and services,” by extending the term of the agreement in order for the pending RFP process to be completed.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Director of the Department of Public Safety to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into a two-year professional services agreement or agreements commencing February 1, 2018 with Cover Your Assets, LLC for a web-based secondary employment scheduling system and services in which police employees can bid on secondary employment jobs, which are paid by secondary employers approved by the Office of Special Events, and/or the Bureau of Police (PBP) in an amount not-to-exceed THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETEEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIX DOLLARS and NO CENTS ($350,000.00419,906.00).
Section 2. Funds for said agreement or agreements shall be chargeable and payable from the following chart of accounts:
24067.2100246700.53.53509.2018 $162,639.54
24067.2100246700.53.53509.2019 $175,000.00
24067.2100246700.53.53509.201920 $12,360.4682,266.46