Presented by Mr. Lavelle
Resolution providing for an Agreement or Agreements with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation to provide administration and operating expenses, housing and housing related supportive services to persons with HIV/AIDS and their families, at a total cost not to exceed $689,847
Be it revolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1: The Mayor and the Director of the Department of City Planning, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement or Agreements, in a form approved by the City Solicitor, with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation, to provide administrative and operating expenses, housing and housing related supportive services to persons with HIV/AIDS and their families, at a total cost not to exceed $689,847 chargeable to and payable from the HOPWA JD Edwards Job Number:
JD Edwards Job Number Item Amount
1116302130.58101.00 2645 $ 689,847