Presented by Mr. Kraus
Resolution accepting the location of the proposed right-of-ways for parcels 2-C-300, 2-C-382, 2-C-383, and 2-C-400 for the Lower Hill Redevelopment Site Infrastructure, in the 2nd and 3rd Wards, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh.
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the Office of the City Clerk that all owners of or owners of property fronting or abutting parcels 2-C-300 (including 2-C-382 and 2-C-383), and 2-C-400 for the Lower Hill Redevelopment Site Infrastructure (Exhibit A) in the 2nd and 3rd Wards, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh request the enactment of this Resolution for the acceptance of the location of the proposed above mentioned right-of-ways.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That accepting the locations of proposed right-of-ways (Exhibit B), of property owned by the Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County (Parcel 2-C-400) and the Urban Redevelopment Authority (Parcels 2-C-300 including 2-C-382 and 2-C-383):
Description 1: Street A
Beginning at a point on the northeasterly corner of the intersection of Street A and Washington Place having the coordinate value of the Pennsylvania State Plane Coordinate System (South Zone) SPCS 83 of North 411420.1029 East 1344631.3249 thence; the following courses and distances:
1. N 70°20'03" E a distance of 8.25 feet having the coordinate value North 411422.8779 East 1344639.0897 thence;
2. N 62°40'08" E a distance of 439.26 feet having the coordinate value North 411624.5547 East 1345029.3129 thence;
3. N 59°48'24" E a distance of 80.10 feet having the coordinate value North 411664.8386 East 1345098.5459 thence;
4. N 62°40'08" E a distance of 244.00 feet having the coordinate value North 411776.8664 East 1345315.3079 thence;
5. N 67°25'57" E a distance of 72.25 feet having the coordinate value North 411804.5936 East 13453...
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