WHEREAS, in 1979, Congress authorized a Vet Center Program to assist veterans who served during the Vietnam era in the transition to postwar civilian life due to what they thought was minor motivational or behavioral problems and called it readjustment counseling, which, combined with other symptoms, was later termed post-traumatic stress disorder; and,
WHEREAS, The readjustment counseling program was authorized as a community-based program separate from VA medical centers because experiences such as seeing people die, or incarceration as a prisoner of war were not well understood and were often misdiagnosed; and,
WHEREAS, the Vet Center - Pittsburgh Office is one of the original Vet Centers in the country and is one of twelve such community based centers in Pennsylvania who welcome home war veterans with honor and provides quality counseling toward a successful post-war adjustment; and,
WHEREAS, the Vet Center of Pittsburgh provides readjustment counseling and outreach services which include, but are not limited to individual counseling, bereavement counseling, and employment counseling to all veterans and their family members for military related issues; and,
WHEREAS, since 1979, in response to armed hostilities after the Vietnam era, the Congress has extended eligibility to include veterans who served in all post-Vietnam military conflicts and has received a military campaign ribbon; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby honor all veterans who have served in any capacity to protect the rights of the citizens of the United States of America and commend all of those who help counsel veterans through their difficult times; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Monday, November 8, 2010, to be "Vet Center Appreciation Day" in the City of Pittsburgh.