Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article IV, Planning Districts, Chapter 909.01, SP, Specially Planned District.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article IV, Planning Districts, Chapter 909.01, SP, Specially Planned District, is hereby amended to read as follows:
909.01. SP, Specially Planned District.
909.01.A Purpose
The SP, Specially Planned District regulations are intended to provide a framework for alternative forms of development for very large sites. Applicable regulations and procedures are intended to create efficient, functional and attractive urban areas that incorporate high levels of amenities and that meet public objectives for protection and preservation of the natural environment. The regulations are intended to permit a substantial amount of flexibility in site planning because of the large size of the site and because of its relative isolation from any neighborhood context. SP District provisions are intended to apply only to developments that have citywide impacts.
909.01.B Special Definitions
The following special definitions shall apply throughout the SP district regulations of this section and the Planned Development review and approval procedures of Sec. 922.11.
1. Land development?plan means a proposal for a development of a Specially Planned District with detailed provisions outlined according to the procedures and standards established in this chapter of the Zoning Code.
2. Preliminary land development?plan means a document in support of a proposal for approval of a development and for the rezoning of a site into a Specially Planned District classification with a unique name attached thereto, submitted to the Planning Commission, in order to demonstrate that a superior development plan shall be followed within the overall bounds of the zoning text. The preliminary land developmen...
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