Presented by Mr. Peduto
Resolution realigning a total of $5,039,500 between various accounts within the 2009 Operating Budget. This transfer is necessary for the 2009 closeout in order to meet expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Controller's Office is hereby authorized and directed to transfer a total of $5,039,500 as indicated from the following accounts:
$3,600,000 from the Non-Departmentals - Miscellaneous, Transfers, Organization 999400, Fund 1000, Subclass 400, Account 581130, Budget Year 2009
$400,000 from the Department Non-Departmentals - Citywide, Supplies, Organization 999200, Fund 1000, Subclass 100, Account 532600, Budget Year 2009
$380,500 from Department of Public Works - Bureau of Environmental Services, Salaries, Organization 430000, Fund 1000, Subclass 010, Account 511000, Budget Year 2009
$200,000 from Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Building Inspection, Salaries, Organization 270000, Fund 1000, Subclass 010, Account 511000, Budget Year 2009
$140,000 from Department of Public Works - Bureau of Transportation & Engineering , Salaries, Organization 440000, Fund 1000, Subclass 010, Account 511000, Budget Year 2009
$130,000 from Department of Public Works - Bureau of Properties, Salaries, Organization 122000, Fund 1000, Subclass 010, Account 511000, Budget Year 2009
$75,000 from Department of Public Works - Bureau of Environmental Services, Premium Pay, Organization 430000, Fund 1000, Subclass 020, Account 516000, Budget Year 2009
$67,500 from the Department Non-Departmentals - Citywide, Education and Training, Organization 999200, Fund 1000, Subclass 030, Account 564000, Budget Year 2009
$46,500 from Department of Public Works - Bureau of Administration, Premium Pay, Organization 410000, Fund 1000, Subclass 020, Account 516000, Budget Year 2009
To the following accounts:
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