Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Five: Traffic, Article VII: Parking, Chapter 541 General Parking Regulations by revising the title of Section 541.04 Passenger and Loading Zones to Section 541.04A, by adding a new Section 541.04B entitled Smart Loading Zones and by adding a new Section 541.04C entitled Smart Loading Zones Rates and Penalties.
WHEREAS, The City of Pittsburgh received a $100,000 grant from Automotus, a company that developed automated curb management solutions for cities, to designate and install up to twenty (20) smart loading zones; and
WHEREAS, this grant will allow Pittsburgh Parking Authority to contract with Automotus to regulate and enforce smart loading zones; and
WHEREAS, The Department of Energy has awarded the City of Pittsburgh, along with the City of Los Angeles, Carnegie Mellon University, Automotus, and the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator, a $3.8 million grant beginning in 2022 to study curb use in business districts and implement technologies and policies that reduce emissions and accelerate electric vehicle adoption by commercial fleets; and
WHEREAS, Currently, there is no fee for a commercial vehicle to use a loading zone in the City of Pittsburgh; and
WHEREAS, Commercial delivery companies should pay fair rates, as residents and visitors driving personally owned vehicles do, to use the curb and street space in the City for commercial activities; and
WHEREAS, The Smart Loading Zone pilot program will allow the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to designate metered loading zones to explore policies and technology that can assist the Pittsburgh Parking Authority in more efficient and equitable enforcement of commercial loading zones; and
WHEREAS, The Smart Loading Zone pilot program seeks to facilitate regular parking turnover in busy commercial areas; reduce instances of double parking; promote the use of non-auto transportation; and decrease vehicular congestion and emissions.
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