WHEREAS, on March 8, 2010, Prevention Point Pittsburgh (PPP) will celebrate its 15th anniversary with an event, "Put the Needle on the Record II," at the Shadow Lounge; and
WHEREAS, the event will begin with a happy hour for supporters to mix and mingle with PPP staff and will continue with a reunion of Viper's Soul Club; and
WHEREAS, PPP is the only county-approved syringe exchange program in southwestern Pennsylvania and it reaches 200 participants per week through its sites in Oakland and the Hill District; and
WHEREAS, PPP began in 1995 when James Crow, Caroline Acker and a small group of volunteers began providing weekly needle exchange services on a street corner in the Hill District; and
WHEREAS, the services of PPP have grown to include health education, free HIV and Hepatitis C testing, overdose prevention and response training, counseling services, case management and assisting clients in obtaining other social services.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh recognizes the 15th anniversary of Prevention Point Pittsburgh and thanks the organization's staff and volunteers for providing critical health services to injection drug users; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby declares May 8, 2010, "Prevention Point Pittsburgh Day" in the City of Pittsburgh.