Resolution realigning a total of $8,107,000 between various accounts within the 2019 Operating Budget. This transfer is necessary for the 2019 close to meet final expenditures for fiscal year 2019.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Controller’s Office is hereby authorized and directed to transfer a total of $8,107,000 as indicated from and to the following accounts:
$250,000 from 102200.51101 (OMB Regular Salaries)
$350,000 from 103000.51101 (I&P Regular Salaries)
$250,000 from 108000.51101 (Law Regular Salaries)
$3,000,000 from 109000.52101 (HR Health Insurance)
$1,807,000 from 109000.52121 (HR Retiree Health Insurance)
$400,000 from 110000.51101 (City Planning Regular Salaries)
$400,000 from 130000.51101 (PLI Regular Salaries)
$500,000 from 430000.51101 (DPW-ES Regular Salaries)
$450,000 from 450000.51101 (DPW-Facilities Regular Salaries)
$700,000 from 600000.51101 (DOMI Regular Salaries)
TOTAL: $8,107,000
$27,000 to 101100.52602 (City Council Tuition Reimbursement)
$106,000 to 220000.52201 (EMS Social Security)
$2,171,000 to 220000.51401 (EMS Premium Pay)
$2,553,000 to 230000.51401 (Police Premium Pay)
$3,098,000 to 250000.51207 (Fire Leave Buyback)
$22,000 to 410000.51101 (DPW-Admin Regular Salaries)
$130,000 to 420000.51401 (DPW-Operations Premium Pay)
TOTAL: $8,107,000