Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning; Article VIII, Review and Enforcement; Section 922.11, Planned Developments, by adding one new subsection to provide public notice for Planning Commission hearings regarding Specially Planned Developments and Planned Unit Developments.
Be it resolved that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning; Article VIII, Review and Enforcement; Chapter 922, Development Review Procedures; Section 922.11, Planned Developments, is hereby amended as follows:
ยง 922.11.B.7 Notice
A public hearing shall be scheduled, and notice shall be required when ten (10) years or more have elapsed from the approval date of the most recently amended Preliminary Land Development Plan for an existing SP or PUD district. The Zoning Administrator shall give at least twenty-one (21) days public notice of the Planning Commission hearing by posting in accordance with the notice requirements of Chapter 922.01.C.2 and by mail in accordance with the notice requirements of Chapter 922.01.C.1 to all property owners within a one hundred fifty (150) foot radius of the subject property.