WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated on February 8, 1910, appointing President Taft first honorary president of the Scouts, and Theodore Roosevelt first honorary vice-president; and
WHEREAS, in 1911, Scouting established its highest rank, the Eagle Scout; and
WHEREAS, a Scout earns Eagle Scout by serving as a Life Scout for six months, earning 21 merit badges, demonstrating Scout Spirit and serving as a leader in the troop, team, crew or ship; and
WHEREAS, the Scout must plan, develop and give leadership to a service project, called the Eagle Project, that demonstrates both leadership and a commitment to duty, he must then take part in a Scoutmaster conference before his eighteenth birthday, and after all of the requirements are met, he must complete an Eagle Scout Board of Review; and
WHEREAS, both Daniel Borsani and Zachary Brown, members of Troop 274, have illustrated their commitment to Scouting; and
WHEREAS, for his Eagle Project, Daniel Borsani repaired and painted the Sanctuary, two rooms and a hallway of the Shepard Heart's Fellowship Church in downtown Pittsburgh over a 4 day period with 26 volunteers and 236 hours; and
WHEREAS, for his Eagle Project, Zachary Brown removed a downed tree and overgrowth from city steps that connect Stanton Heights to a shopping center and bus line in Lawrenceville; he also repaired and painted about 400 feet of railings, completing the project over 2 days with 37 volunteers and 136 hours; and
WHEREAS, Daniel Borsani and Zachary Brown will become Eagle Scouts during the Eagle Court of Honor held on Sunday, November 19th at the 1st United Methodist Church in Shadyside.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh commends The Boy Scouts of America for all its great work and congratulates Daniel Borsani and Zachary Brown for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.