Presented by Mr. Burgess
Resolution providing that the City enter into a professional services agreement with an insurance broker for the purpose of securing excess workers' compensation insurance coverage, cost not to exceed $165,000.00.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of Personnel and Civil Service Commission are hereby authorized to contract with an insurance broker in order to market and secure an excess workers compensation insurance policy. The term of the contract shall be four years at a cost not to exceed $165,000 (One Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Dollars). This amount shall be chargeable to and payable from Account 574600, Fund 1000, Organization 999300, Subclass 040, Department of Personnel and Civil Service Commission.
Section 2. The City Controller shall encumber funds for the annual contract, subject to the amount of funds to be appropriated by City Council from the following chart accounts:
Budget Yr Fund Org Sub-class Account Amount
2010 1000 999300 040 574600 $27,500
2011 1000 999300 040 574600 $41,250
2012 1000 999300 040 574600 $41,250
2013 1000 999300 040 574600 $41,250
2014 1000 999300 040 574600 $13,750