WHEREAS, The Summer Dreamers Academy is a camp created for all students currently in grades 5-7 in the Pittsburgh Public Schools to spend 5 weeks during the summer with friends, reading great books and participating in unique activities; and
WHEREAS, The Summer Dreamers Academy is designed to help campers build skills and habits to prepare them for high school and The Pittsburgh PromiseĀ®, and
WHEREAS, Developing a positive, fun camp culture is part of the vision for the Summer Dreamers Academy, each camp site will have the look and feel of a premier camp where students are free to explore new opportunities, learn via new experiences, and have fun in a structured, nurturing environment; and
WHEREAS, Each site has a variety of afternoon activities which may include kayaking on the Allegheny River, performing on the CAPA stage, and curating at the Carnegie Museums, to name just a few; and
WHEREAS, Summer Dreamers Academy camp sites are: Pittsburgh Brashear, Pittsburgh CAPA, Pittsburgh King, Pittsburgh Peabody, Pittsburgh South Brook, and Pittsburgh Obama and students will be assigned a site based on the school they currently attend; and
WHEREAS, Registration is open now and will continue through May 1, 2010.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby recognizes the Pittsburgh Public Schools' Summer Dreamers Academy for their commitment to the success and quality of life of our city's youth; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, April 27, 2010, Summer Dreamers Academy Day in the City of Pittsburgh.