Ordinance supplementing the Pittsburgh Code, Title Four, Public Places and Property, Article I Streets and Sidewalks, Chapter 416 Obstructions by adding a new section, entitled, Section 416.15 Extension of Premise for Cooking and Foodservice Purposes.
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh Code, Title Four, Public Places and Property, Article I Streets and Sidewalks, Chapter 416 Obstructions is hereby amended by adding a new section, Section 416.15 as follows:
416.15 Extension of Premise for Cooking and Foodservice Purposes
416.15 (a) Definition
416.15 (b) Permit Required
416.15 (c) Permit Fee
416.15 (d) Information Required
416.15 (e) Loud Noises, Speaking Devises, Signs, Goods, Smoke, and Strong Odors
416.15 (f) Permitted Locations
416.15 (g) Permit Application and Duration
416.15 (h) Use of Streets
416.15 (i) Hours of Operations
416.15 (j) Approval Process
416.15 (k) Permit Revocation and Penalties
416.15 (a): Definition
As used herein includes any restaurant, grocery store, café, or deli that wishes to use the public sidewalk for the purposes of outdoor cooking and other related foodservice. Outdoor cooking includes, but is not limited to outdoor grilling. Related foodservice includes selling, sampling, and displaying of food cooked / prepared outside of the business premises.
Tables & chairs require a separate sidewalk café permit.
416.15 (b): Permit Required
No business shall engage in the act of extending their business premise onto the public sidewalk for the purpose of outdoor cooking and other related foodservice without first obtaining a permit from the Department of Public Works (DPW). The permit shall be prominently displayed in a visible location from the outside to the food service operation.
416.15 (c): Permit Fee
Prior to the issuance of any permit for extension of premise for cooking and foodservice purposes, the following fees shall be paid:
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