Presented by Mr. Koch
Resolution amending Resolution 406, effective July 26, 2007, entitled, providing for a professional services agreement/s with the Animal Rescue League, a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation, for professional services in connection with the detention, care and/or euthanasia of domestic animals at a cost not to exceed $1,140,000," by providing for an Amendment to the Agreement, for an additional cost of $50,000.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That Resolution No. 406, effective July 26, 2007, is hereby amended to provide for an Amendment to the original agreement, as follows:
The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an amendment to the existing Agreement with the Animal Rescue League, in a form approved by the City Solicitor, for the Animal Rescue League to provide professional services in connection with the management and euthanasia of wildlife taken into custody by City Animal Control officers, for an additional amount of $50,000, total cost not to exceed $1,190,000, chargeable to and payable from Account 526100, Fund 1000, Organization Code 431000, Subclass 150, Miscellaneous Services, Budget Year 2007. Department of Public Works, Bureau of Environmental Services.