Presented by Mr. Koch
Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and or the Director of Public Works and the City Controller to review, investigate and report back to City Council on or before October 31, 2007 the feasibility of providing all legally required animal control services in-house.
Be it resolved that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and or the Director of Public Works and the City Controller are hereby authorized and directed to review, investigate and report back to City Council on or before October 31, 2007 the feasibility of providing Animal Control services in-house for each legally required animal control function, including but not limited to, wildlife euthanization, pet and domestic animal boarding and euthanization and other services currently outsourced or in consideration of outsourcing in the future.
Section 2. The report should include a defined function with a comparative cost analysis for each function (private vs. public) separated by any capital and operating expenditures.
Section 3. The analysis should also consider the feasibility of entering into cooperation agreements with other communities to provide these services utilizing the City's workforce.
Section 4. The President of Council shall establish a subcommittee to provide input on this issue.