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File #: 2025-1543    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: To Be Presented
File created: 2/21/2025 In control: Committee on Land Use and Economic Development
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Effective date:    
Title: Ordinance accepting five new street names, COAL SEAM STREET, DARBY STREET, LUCAS COURT, LUCAS STREET and PITRELL STREET in the Fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh as per recommendation by the City of Pittsburgh Addressing Committee (CPAC). The following street names were approved by CPAC in January 2025. The names listed in this ordinance shall be made official in accordance with the Pittsburgh Code, Title Four, Public Places and Property, Chapter 420 Uniform Street Naming and Addressing.
Attachments: 1. 2025-1543 Cover Letter-Bedford Dwellings Phase 2 Streets Naming letter 2-13-25 - signed, 2. 2025-1543 -Proposed_Street_Names_Bedford_Dwelling_Phase_2_8_5x11LB, 3. Summary 2025-1543
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Ordinance accepting five new street names, COAL SEAM STREET, DARBY STREET, LUCAS COURT, LUCAS STREET and PITRELL STREET in the Fifth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh as per recommendation by the City of Pittsburgh Addressing Committee (CPAC). The following street names were approved by CPAC in January 2025. The names listed in this ordinance shall be made official in accordance with the Pittsburgh Code, Title Four, Public Places and Property, Chapter 420 Uniform Street Naming and Addressing.



The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:


Section 1.                     That the names of COAL SEAM STREET, along its entire length beginning at its intersection at its southwesterly end with Lucas Street to its intersection at its northeasterly end with Pitrell Street; DARBY STREET along its entire length beginning at its intersection with Bedford Ave at its southeasterly end to its northwesterly terminus; LUCAS COURT along its entire length beginning at its intersection at its westerly end with Lucas Street to its easterly terminus; LUCAS STREET along its entire length beginning at its intersection with Bedford Ave at its southeasterly end to its intersection at northwesterly end with Coal Seam Street; PITRELL STREET along its entire length beginning at its intersection with Bedford Ave at its southeasterly end to its intersection at northwesterly end with Coal Seam Street shall be and the same are hereby approved, located in the Fifth Ward.