Presented by Ms. Carlisle
Resolution amending and supplementing Resolution No. 861, effective January 1, 2000, as amended, entitled: “Adopting and approving the 2000 Capital Budget and the 2000 Community Development Block Grant Program; and approving the 2000 through 2005 Capital Improvement Program, by adjusting various line items in conformance with City Council's 2000 Capital Budget amendments,” by amending various line items in Council District 6.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. AMENDING and supplementing Resolution No. 861, effective January 1, 2000, as amended, entitled: “Adopting and approving the 2000 Capital Budget and the 2000 Community Development Block Grant Program; and approving the 2000 through 2005 Capital Improvement Program, by adjusting various line items in conformance with City Council's 2000 Capital Budget amendments.” By making the following changes to City Council Neighborhood Needs Detail:
Is hereby amended to read as follows:
Project Amount
Sala Udin - Council District 6
Neighbors in the Strip - Corridor Improvements $ 50,000.00
Greater Allen Full Gospel AME Church - Community Youth Center $ 50,000.00
Central Northside Neighborhood Council - Public Space Needs $ 42,107.53
Northside Leadership C. - Entry Signs/Bus.Dist Improvements/Sidewalk/Steps/Safety $ 50,000.00
Hill District Consensus Group - Strategic Community Plan/Festival/Beautification House of the Crossroads - Community Planning $ 24,967.59 $ 15,000.00
Oakcliffe Housing Club - Master Plan of Promenade $ 8,500.00
Perry Hilltop Citizens Council - Multi-purpose Learning Center $ 0.00
Fineview Citizens' Council- Fineview Catoma Park $ 30,000.00
Northside Coalition for Fair Housing - Single Female Homeownership ...
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