Resolution authorizing and directing the Controller to return unobligated grant funds for the re-casting and reconfiguring historic bronze water fountains designed by artist Frank Vittor to the Laurel Foundation.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
WHEREAS, The City of Pittsburgh (the “City”) entered into a 2012 Grant Agreement (the “Agreement”) with the Laurel Foundation to the re-casting and reconfiguring of extant historic bronze water fountains designed by artist Frank Vittor for the purpose of installing new fountains-cast from original molds-- into City parks; and
WHEREAS, due to an inability to find a contractor to be able to deliver the project for the funding received, the City was not able to perform the work that it received the Grant for, and
WHEREAS, per request of the Laurel Foundation, the City is now required to return the Grant funds.
Section 2. Per the written request of the Laurel Foundation (attached hereto as Exhibit A), the City Controller is hereby authorized and directed to return unobligated funds for the re-casting and reconfiguring of extant historic bronze water fountains designed by artist Frank Vittor for the purpose of installing new fountains-cast from original molds-- into City parks to the Laurel Foundation to comply with applicable grant requirements. Funds in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) shall be returned to the Laurel Foundation. Such funds should be paid from JDE 1129400077.48311. A check should be made out as follows:
Laurel Foundation
And sent to: Laurel Foundation
ATTN: Dayton Baker, Program Officer
Two Gateway Center, Suite 1800
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1442