Resolution further amending Resolution No.855, effective January 1, 2012, as amended, entitled “Adopting and approving the 2012 Capital Budget and Community Development Block Grant Program; and approving the 2012 through 2017 Capital Improvements Program” by transferring all available District 9 Neighborhood Needs funds to the Poise Foundation-Hope Fund and changing funding sources.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of Resolution No.855, effective January 1, 2012, as amended, which presently reads as per Current Budget Amount, is hereby amended to read as per Revised Budget Amount.
Close un-encumbered NN projects as follows:
Project Title Current Budget Changes (+)(-) Revised Budget Source
Kelly-Strayhorn Theater Project (ELDI) $3,500.00 ($3,500.00) $0.00 City
Building United $3,750.00 $3,750.00 City
North Pt Breeze - Community Building Improvement $242.00 ($242.00) $0.00 City
Homewood Brushton Athletic Association $500.00 ($500.00) $0.00 City
Pgh. Community Services $4,000.00 ($4,000.00) $0.00 City
Poise Foundation- Hope Fund $142,308.99 $108,699.43 $251,008.42 City
LLLBCDC - L&L Community Access Network $33.71 ($33.71) $0.00 City
Naomi's Place $20,000.00 ($20,000.00) $0.00 City
Department of Public Works Field Improvement $3,000.00 ($3,000.00) $0.00 City
District 9 $61,891.00 ($61,891.00) $0.00 City
Point Breeze North CDC $10,000.00 $10,000.00 City
Poise Foundation-Hope Fund $15,532.72 ($15,532.72) $0.00 City
Total for Job # 0141009012 $264,758.42 $0.00 $264,758.42
Section 2 of Resolution No.855, effective January 1, 2012, as amended, changes the funding source for the Poise Foundation from NN funds to CDBG funds as follows:
Current Budget Changes (+)(-) Revised Budget Source Job #
Poise Foundation-Hope Fund $251,008.42 -$251,008.42 $0.00 City 0141009012
Poise Foundation-Hope Fund $0.00 $2...
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