WHEREAS, in 1594 the world's first documented arbor plantation festival was held in Mondo?edo, Spain at the site of Alameda de Los Remedios , where plantings of lime and horse-chestnut trees still take place today; and,
WHEREAS, in 1872 a journalist by the name of Julius Sterling Morton of Nebraska first proposed a tree planting holiday to be called Arbor Day, resulting in the planting of more than 1 million trees in Nebraska that year; Arbor Day is observed and celebrated throughout the world; and,
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh's stellar collection of trees help to enrich our daily lives by bringing beauty, vibrancy, and grace to our streets, parks, and neighborhoods; and,
WHEREAS, the City's variety of tree species contributes to the biodiversity of our region helping to protect wildlife and plant life alike; and,
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh's trees provide much needed natural shade, serving as a respite for all populations especially those negatively impacted by overexposure to sunlight; and,
WHEREAS, our healthy tree population helps to reduce erosion, which is especially important in our hilly terrain; and,
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh's trees cut heating and cooling costs by moderating temperature; and,
WHEREAS, the City's robust tree population is vital to supporting a healthy environment especially by mitigating the harmful impacts that poor air quality have on Pittsburgh; and,
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh's street trees have removed approximately 4.4 million pounds of carbon as of 2014 providing cost savings valued at approximately $417,700 per year, for an average net benefit of $12.48 per tree; and,
WHEREAS, the beauty and abundance of our trees, in part, define the character of the City of Pittsburgh; and,
WHEREAS, Mellon Park was established in 1943 on the grounds of the former estate of Richard B. Mellon, the largest mansion in Pittsburgh at the time, demolished during World War II; and,
WHEREAS, Mellon Park is home to both the Walled Garden and the Elizabet...
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