Presented by Mr. Lavelle
Resolution providing for an Agreement(s) and Contract(s) with Community Based Organizations for community and economic development planning assistance in various neighborhoods in the City and providing operating support for these groups, and provide for the payment, at a cost not exceed $700,000.
Be it revolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1: The Mayor and the Director of City Planning, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement/Agreements and Contract/Contracts in form approved by the City Solicitor, with Community Based Organizations for community and economic development planning assistance in various neighborhoods in the City and providing operating support for these groups and provide for the payment, at a cost not to exceed $700,000.00, chargeable and payable from the following account:
Community-Based Organizations |
700,000.00 |
1121000130.58101.00 |