Presented by Ms. Carlisle
WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Board of Education is proud to announce Helen S. Faison Art Institute as the name for the new elementary school in the Homewood-Brushton community, a public school that promises inner-city students a quality education comparable to that offered in a "world class school district"; and
WHEREAS, during 43 years of service with the Pittsburgh School District, Dr. Faison was one of the first African-American teachers and the first female and African-American high school principal. From her rise from teacher to deputy superintendent, Dr. Helen S. Faison has shaped and changed the lives of thousands of students, teachers and parents; and
WHEREAS, the new Helen S. Faison Art Institute is staffed by a team of deeply dedicated individuals. The new facility represents a $20.4 million investment in the community and will be a valuable resource for the residents of the community; and
WHEREAS, Helen S. Faison Art Institute opened its doors to children on September 2, 2004 following a ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony; and
WHEREAS, the new facility will have an arts education focus that will provide the students with a wealth of artistic experiences.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh commends the Pittsburgh Board of Education and the staff, parents and community representatives on continuing the legacy of a great women, Helen S. Faison, by affixing her name to this new landmark within the Homewood-Brushton community.