Resolution authoring the Mayor and the Acting Director of Public Safety to enter into Professional Services Agreements with Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania and Youth Opportunities Development for the purposes of continued operation of the Pittsburgh Initiative to Reduce Crime.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Acting Director of Public Safety are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania for the purpose of continuing the services provided through the Pittsburgh Initiative to Reduce Crime at a cost of $150,000.00 and enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania and Youth Opportunities Development for the purpose of continuing the street group outreach component of the Pittsburgh Initiative to Reduce Crime at a cost not to exceed $150,000, chargeable to and payable from 210000.53529.2014. The Professional Services Agreements shall be approved by the City Solicitor as to form and substance.