Presented by Mr. Motznik
Resolution respectfully requesting the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh to engage the City Solicitor and the directors of Parks and Recreation, and Finance to assist in the creation of a new city park named the "Grandview Scenic Byway Park."
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. That the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby direct the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh to engage the City Solicitor and the directors of Parks and Recreation, and Finance to assist in the creation of a new city park named the "Grandview Scenic Byway Park" comprised of the attached City owned properties and potentially other publicly owned properties.
Section 2. The legislation necessary to create the park shall be presented to City Council no later than 90 days after the effective date of this resolution.
Link Lot Block Size (Sq. Ft.) Street Address Owner
VI 15A|99|7,488 Hibbs CP
VI 15A|99|5,952 Hibbs CP
VI 15A 9 9,931 Hibbs CP
VI 15A 15 9,931 Hibbs CP
VI 15A 21 7,370 Spahrgrove CP
VI 15A 26 21,266 Hibbs CP
VI 15A 46 37,125 Hibbs CP
VI 15A 70 91,961 Chess CP
VI 15A 111 19,412 3 Spahrgrove CP
III 1N 210 CP
III 1N 219 11,844 Grandview CP
II 1N 210-0000-01 876 Grandview CP
II 1N 210-0000-02 92,539 Mt. Washington Way CP
III 1P 55 4,727 McCardle CP
III 1P 58 14,100 McCardle CP
III 1P 61 12,714 Fetzer CP
II 1P 400 West Carson
III 1P 400 470,012 West Carson CP
I 3E 16 4958 William CP
I 3E 16 4,958 138 Williams CP
I 3E 18 3,780 334 Arlington CP
I 3E 20 4,960 336 Arlington CP
I 3J 36 9,870 William CP
I 3J 48 17,346 William CP
I 3J 52 9,450 William CP
I 3J 56 10,500 127-129 William CP
I 3J 60 3,780 William CP
I 3J 75 3,120 Arlington CP
I 3J 76 3,150 422 Arlington CP
I 3J 78 3,600 Arlington CP
I 3J 81 2,331 Arlington CP
I 3J 180-01 9,158 Bailey CP
I 3J 180-...
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