Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Director of Public Safety to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into a Professional Services Agreement or Agreements with Freedom Indeed, LLC for professional services as a Group Violence Intervention Coordinator at a total cost not to exceed FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($479,128.00) over three years.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and Director of Public Safety are hereby authorized to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into a Professional Services Agreement or Agreements with Freedom Indeed, LLC for professional services as a Group Violence Intervention Coordinator at a total cost not to exceed FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($479,128.00) over three years, chargeable to and payable from the following accounts subject to future appropriations:
2100247700.53901.00 $156,304
2100247700.53901.00 $159,483
2100247700.53901.00 $163,341
TOTAL $479,128
Section 2. Said Agreement(s) shall be in a form approved by the City Solicitor.