Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works to enter into a license agreement or agreements with the University of Pittsburgh, on behalf of the Steam Lines Management Committee and/or Owners of common steam distribution lines and equipment connected to the Bellefield Boiler Plant to in order permit the replacement of an existing steam line at the rear of plant and to perform supporting site work for the benefit of Schenley Park.
WHEREAS, Mary Schenley's conveyance of property to the City for the creation of Schenley Park included a 19-acre tract (the "Parcel") that specifically permits the erection of a free library and institutions for the promotion of fine arts in the park; and
WHEREAS, per various enactments, including Ordinances 244 of 1891, 192 of 1903, 193 of 1903, and 198 of 1966, City Council has authorized the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (the "Carnegie Library") to construct and maintain library buildings and boiler houses (and extensions thereto) on the Parcel, with locations of designated buildings and extensions subject to the approval of the Director of the Department of Public Works; and
WHEREAS, the boiler plant continues to produce steam today and is now known as the Bellefield Boiler Plant ("BBP"). It is owned by a consortium of Oakland institutions including the Carnegie Library, Carnegie-Mellon University, Carnegie Institute, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, the City of Pittsburgh, Presbyterian Hospital, the School District of Pittsburgh, and the University of Pittsburgh of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education ("the University") (collectively the "Owners"), who are parties to an agreement, dated as of July 1, 1979, and various amendments (collectively known as the "Basic Agreement"). The Basic Agreement sets forth the understanding of the Owners as to the maintenance, improvement, management, and operation of the BPP; and
WHEREAS, certain of the ...
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