WHEREAS, in honor of Black History Month, we would like to recognize the Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition; and,
WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition (PBEOC) was founded in 2016 and currently includes City of Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey, County Councilwoman Olivia “Liv” Bennett, City Councilman Rev. Ricky Burgess, City Councilman, Daniel Lavelle, County Councilman DeWitt Walton and State Representative Summer Lee; and,
WHEREAS, the PBEOC utilizes their collective power and authority to transform Pittsburgh African American communities into empowered, revitalized, healthy and sustainable neighborhoods; and,
WHEREAS, the group focused on six areas; Public Safety, Affordable Housing, Family Outcomes, Business & Organizations, Education and Employment. The result was the Pittsburgh Peace and Justice Initiative Report, which combines demographic research, residents’ visions for their communities, the challenges communities face and the tools to measure their progress; and,
WHEREAS, as they press forward with their initiatives, the Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition envisions healthy, thriving, sustainable African American communities where residents live, work, play and worship safely and successfully; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize and commend the Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition for their commitment to the African American communities of the City of Pittsburgh; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declares the Month of February, 2022 to be to be “Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition Month” in the City of Pittsburgh.