Resolution authorizing the Director of Personnel and Civil Service Commission and the Solicitor, in a form approved by the Solicitor, to enter into a “sole-source” professional services agreement with the Dignity and Respect Campaign for the purpose of designing and implementing a comprehensive City employee and customer relations program. Cost not to exceed twenty-nine thousand dollars ($29,000).
Whereas, the Dignity and Respect Campaign is an awareness campaign designed to join individuals, community leaders, and business under the common notion that everyone deserves dignity and respect; and,
Whereas, Dignity and Respect Campaigns create a more inclusive workplace culture; and,
Whereas, Dignity and Respect has grown from a UMPC internal initiative to a national campaign; and,
Whereas, more than 100 organizations, schools and communities are engaged in Dignity and Respect Initiatives focused on "making the world a better place for all to live with all of our differences”; and,
Whereas, Dignity and Respect are guiding principles that can help organizations become better providers of services and employers; and
Whereas, Dignity and Respect Campaign has 30 tips of Dignity and Respect that foster greater organizational inclusion; and,
Whereas, Dignity and Respect Campaigns develops multicultural competence in various organizations.
Be it therefore resolved that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Director of Personnel and Civil Service Commission and the Solicitor, in a form approved by the Solicitor, to enter into a “sole-source” professional services agreement with the Dignity and Respect Campaign for the purpose of designing and implementing a comprehensive City employee and customer relations program. Cost not to exceed twenty-nine thousand dollars ($29,000).
Section 2. The Controller is hereby authorized to make all necessary payments from Department of Personnel, Professional and Technical S...
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