Ordinance amending, supplementing and correcting the Pittsburgh Code at Title Two: Fiscal, Article I: Administrative, Chapter 219: Operating Budget, so as to add contract and bid information requirements to Fiscal Impact Statements, and to further correct numbering and formatting.
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The City Code is hereby amended and supplemented at Title Two: Fiscal, Article I: Administrative, Chapter 219: Operating Budget, Fiscal Impact Statements as follows:
In order to effectively consider the short- and long-term effects of initiatives on City expenditures and revenues, all ordinances, resolutions, and executive orders shall be presented with an attached fiscal impact statement.
[a.](a) Each initiative must include a thorough analysis of its financial and operating impact, including, but not limited, to the following:
[1.](1) Whether the initiative will have an associated one-time (current year) or recurring impact
[2.](2) A five-year impact analysis, if the associated cost is recurring
[3.](3) The identified funding source(s), including organizational unit, subclass, account number, and year. General Fund expenditures shall also include the corresponding item number, if applicable.
[4.](4) Staffing implications and costs
[5.](5) Non-personnel operating costs
[6.](6) Capital budget requirements
[7.](7) The impact on City revenues
(8) If the legislation [is in] regards [to] an authorization to enter into a contract or professional services agreement, subject to the applicable provisions of Chapter 161 [and] of the City Code, [bid] award recommendation information on the proposed contract(s), including [but not limited to]:
A. [Explanation] Name and qualifications of the bid chosen contractor recommended to Council for award;
B. Selection or scoring criteria [summary, including the score sheets] and department(s) or bureau(s) represented on [composition of] the selection/scoring committee;
C. [The bidding] A list of [vendors] contractors that responded to the solicitation [were not chosen];
D. EORC synopsis and recommendation, per section 177A.06(m); and
E. Electronic copies of the RFP, RFQ, RFI, [phone quote,] or related bid solicitation document
F. The requirements set forth in this section will be enacted six (6) months after the passage of this legislation.
[b.](b) All grant-related legislation must clearly indicate the impact on the City’s General Fund. This shall include any matching requirements and whether the grant involves adding personnel-related costs which may require a General Fund subsidy once the terms of the grant are fulfilled. Personnel-related costs should include provisions for benefits.
[c.](c) Fiscal impact statements for legislation sponsored by City Council and the City Clerk’s Office shall be prepared by City Council’s Budget Office. Fiscal impact statements for executive and legislative action that originate in the executive branch or any other agency shall be prepared by the Office of Management and Budget.
Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to include a reference at 219.07(a)(8) regarding the current bid level requirements of Chapter 161: Contracts, if appropriate. Said reference, if included in the hard copy or online versions of the City Code, shall be updated any time the requirements of Chapter 161 are updated.