Resolution authorizing the Mayor, The Pittsburgh Shade Tree Commission and the Director of the Department of Public Works to enter into an agreement with Western Pennsylvania Conservancy for the purpose of providing funds for new tree plantings at the Crafton Trolley Trail, West End Overlook Park and new street trees in various neighborhoods throughout the City of Pittsburgh.
Whereas, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is a full-partner with the Pittsburgh Shade Tree Commission and the City of Pittsburgh as it relates to enhancing beautification efforts at the West End Overlook, a destination location of both residents and visitors alike by planting flowering trees. And for providing an increase in shade canopy along the Crafton Trolley Trail resulting in a more pleasant experience for users and thereby reducing stormwater runoff from the trail. And as a full partner of the TreeVitalize Program for increasing canopy along our many streets and Rights of Ways by planting street trees.
Whereas, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy in cooperation with the City of Pittsburgh has agreed to plant additional trees at the request of the City Forester and the Shade Tree Commission on behalf of requests by Citizens in various neighborhoods across the City.
Whereas, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy has the full support in the form of a motion of the Shade Tree Commission to provide funding assistance to plant new trees in an amount not to exceed $2,500 for the Crafton Trolly Trail and West end Overlook Park plantings and 30,000 for 40+ new street trees across various neighborhoods.
Whereas, The City and the Shade Tree Commission have agreed to cooperate with The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy by providing funding in the total amount not to exceed 32,500.00.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy pursuant to which the Shade Tree Commission will provide funding in an amount up to $2,500 for 2 beautification projects and up to 30,000 for 40 + street trees. Funds shall be chargeable to and payable from the following Shade Tree Trust Fund: 28053.4000285300.524800.54.54201.2017
The form and substance of the agreement is subject to the approval of the City Solicitor as to form and substance.